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Future Me in College

( For Ages 18-24 Only) 

The surprisingly simple framework for a lifetime of focus

Learn to befriend who you are in the future

The biggest challenge for everyone living today is how to adjust to a continual increase of complexity in every area of life. There are always more things to think about as we wrestle with the integration of new technologies in our personal and professional lives.

But if you are a young adult, ages 18-24 and you are trying to navigate through all of the noise, who do you turn to so that you can find your own way through all of the confusion? There is one person that really wants to spend time with you and it's not who you think it is.

What is your vision for your life after college?

To create your future, you first need to discover how you think about yourself!

Take our FREE Identity Wellbeing Assessment to find out

(You must be at least 18 years old to participate)

I want to know who I am in the future

Your Future Me Framework

1. Discover how your Identity Wellbeing is today

Your Identity Wellbeing Assessment provides a comprehensive map of your current mental fitness including your wellbeing and mental health. This gives you a foundation so that you can understand how to begin to create an overcomer mindset. This assessment from Sapien Labs only takes 10 minutes, but will prepare you for your future.

2. Determine your One Thing to focus on

People are using this simple, powerful concept to focus on what matters most in their personal and work lives. The main focus of the ONE Thing is to help people find the one thing that they can do that will make everything else easier or unnecessary. In other words, once you come up with a goal for yourself it is important for you to ask yourself every day what is the one thing I can do today to take me closer to that goal. Every day you are looking for your number one priority.

3. Write your Future Self your One Thing goal

Thinking about and writing to the future - your future - is a powerful exercise. So take some time to reflect on what your One Thing is for your future in a week, month, year, five years, ten years...more? You can use FutureMe to imagine your dreams or make a prediction about your life or the world at large. 

I want to start my future journey!

Details Of Your Future Me Framework

1. Discover what you believe about your identity

Your Identity Wellbeing Assessment provides a comprehensive map of your current mental fitness including your wellbeing and mental health. This gives you a foundation so that you can understand how to begin to create an overcomer mindset. This assessment from Sapien Labs only takes 10 minutes, but will prepare you for your future.

2. Determine your One Thing to focus on

People are using this simple, powerful concept to focus on what matters most in their personal and work lives. The main focus of the ONE Thing is to help people find the one thing that they can do that will make everything else easier or unnecessary. In other words, once you come up with a goal for yourself it is important for you to ask yourself every day what is the one thing I can do today to take me closer to that goal. Every day you are looking for your number one priority.


3. Write your Future Self your One Thing goal

You can write a FutureMe letter to encourage your future self and stay on track to your goals. Or you can just use it get your thoughts from the present moment out on paper, to clear your mind and let your future self look back on what your life was like, and see how far you've come. The note writing process seems simple, right? You just write what you want to say to yourself in the future, choose when you want it to be sent, and even choose to share it publicly but anonymously. Easy!

Your Tools To Envision Your Future

  • Your own personal and confidential Identity Wellbeing Assessment
  • A breakdown of how to review your assessment
  • A bonus section that includes six areas of mental health that you can discover. 

Imagine If......

Right now are you are struggling with what to do next in your life? Perhaps you are a bit confused, isolated and perhaps feeling like you really need to step into something new!

Imagine If......

You have received clarity around how not just where you want to go in the future, but what you should be doing right now!

This could be your reality 

Right now you could be learning how to connect with your future and having fun doing it. So much fun in fact that it would be something that you want to continue to do because you understand that this is a skill that has been missing in your life.

I want to create my own Future Framework

Who Is This For?

Career Seekers

You are looking forward to a new career and starting the process of interviews

Relationship Builders

During school, often the unexpected happens. You find yourself in a deep relationship. But what's next? 

Personal Life

It's time to focus on one of your dreams, desires or visions that has been on your heart for a long time.

Wealth Builders

You see an opportunity in your life to focus upon the financial area of your life. Now what?

Why does this work so well?

We created the Future Me Now process to be fun, easy and simple to use. The process quickly walks you through the creation of your own personal Future Me Framework which you will be able to use for the rest of your life. Most people are unhappy because of how they measure progress. We all have an "ideal", a moving target that we are working toward that is always out of reach. When we measure ourselves against that ideal, we're in a gap. However, when we measure ourselves against our previous selves, we're in a gain. When you actually measure your progress, you strengthen your intuitive mind which motivates you to continue this process.

By operating out of your Future Me Framework, you will learn that measuring your current self vs. your future self has enormous mental benefits. The key to discovering this deceptively simple yet multi-layered strategy is The 5 Lightbulbs.  The Five Lightbulbs tells a story. It’s the story of how a person can create and live from their future self. When you see this transformational process as a story, it will show up to anyone as five “aha moments“ which we call the 5 Lightbulbs .   

Daylyn Miller

“Renewing my mind and imagining my future daily, has transformed my life. The self-talk and encouragement I’ve learned to give myself daily, while imagining my future, has given me identity wellbeing”