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 Future Me Framework

The Surprisingly Simple Way To Create Your Future Self


“I created a vision of David in my mind and simply carved away everything that was not David”        


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 Future Me Framework

The Surprisingly Simple Way To Create Your Future Self

"I created a vision of David in my mind and simply carved away everything that was not David”  Michelangelo


Lightbulb #1 – Your Mental Overload Causes Fear

Lightbulb #1 represents our current life situation. For many, it is the language of our past experience mixed with the overwhelming noise of a world that is screaming for our attention. This normally shows up as a voice in our head that is full of fear, guilt and shame. Of course, that is not how you process this noise as most of the time we just suppress all of this overwhelm, but then we just create coping mechanisms in our lives to deal with this false identity. What do these coping mechanisms look like in our lives? The short answer is that they show up as decreasing mental wellbeing in our lives which is why we are addicted to our Smartphones, not willing to connect with others and then we fill ourselves up with food that can not be processed by our bodies.

Lightbulbs #2 - Who are you becoming? 

Lightbulb #2 is really around how we have been leading our lives. How is it possible to know with confidence how to think about your thinking. You know that there have been times when you listened to other people, or you spent a lot of time learning something new, but when you went to apply your new found wisdom, it did not work out the way that you thought it would. But then there were other times when you stepped out in faith and did something that really did work, but you were not sure how to continue to walk in that success because you did not have a compass to point you back to your True North so that you could continue to double down on what worked.

Lightbulb #3 – Start by imagining your Future Me


You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new identity that makes the existing identity obsolete. This wisdom runs exactly counter to what most people advise, which unwittingly teaches people to fight against their existing identity rather than building a new one. These common ideas and practices, as well meaning as they are, set people up to fail from the beginning because they are based on their past and current circumstances. Creating life change can be best activated by planning from your future and then working your way back to the present. 

Lightbulb #4 – Create Your Future Me...Now!


The creation of anyone’s Future Me Framework is actually very simple. It involves three steps and only take less than 30 minutes to set up, but will provide a lifetime of benefits. Each step has been carefully crafted from the perspective of solid neuroscience which allows for everyone to use their childlike imagination to activate their future vision.

Lightbulb #5 – Living From Your Future Me


Instead of operating from the frame of our past or present, it becomes dramatically more powerful to operate from who you want to become. The ability of human beings to use their intuitive minds allows anyone to image and consider future scenarios that translate into powerful visions that encourage action. Our ability to image a future and then use that future to frame and guide our existing situation and actions is not only helpful, but literally essential.

However, there are particular types of futures that have more potent effects on one’s life here and now than others. Research shows that having a seemingly impossible future turns out to be profoundly useful. In other words, imagining and attempting an impossible goal is such an absurd frame for any of us that it literally dismantles or disrupts your current identity. like almost nothing else can.